One should be a true philanthropist to be seen a philanthropist
The community and humane charity program of the Counterpart International American Humane organization in 2005 disposed a humane relief to the Abovyan Women association and they distributed that assistance in following way: socially unprovided families, subsidiary school and Senior Citizens Home. This association gives its gratitude to Counterpart International organization and thanks to its humane relief many beneficiaries got humanitarian aid.
Today well drop hint about the Abovyan “Narek” Senior Citizens Home.
Each person and people has its specific moral and human features and in case of not protecting it they are just condemned. Such kind of values are kindness, tender-heartedness, mercy, humaneness, the ability of appreciating and protecting the beauty and chaste. Fortunately the Armenian nation has constantly such kind of personalities whose aim and desire has been to help, to provide, to support the poor, miserable, invalid ones who without their will just appeared in the position of the people terribly needing help.
Those benefactors have founded senior citizens home, orphanages, hospitals for people who have no shelter. And one of those personalities are Fridon & Shoghik Miqayelyan couples, who in the frame of the “Satenik” beneficial non-governmental council have founded “Narek” Senior Citizens Home, which is located in Kotayk regions Abovyan city and it is working since 1999. Up to 2004 the senior citizens home had been inhabited by 54 old people needing care, invalids, refugees, former homeless, who drag out their miserable existence in begging, the 18 of which had died in senile death.
Today in “Narek” senior citizens home live 24 members, 8 men and 16 women, there are also numerous appliers but the luck of territory they are just denied. In the senior citizens home have been living 4 juveniles who have been abandoned by the parents, fortunately the mother of two of them had appeared and took them home, and they had to hand the rest 2 juveniles to orphanage. The senior citizens home has accounted in the Armenians Social Ministry as non state boarding house. Here all necessary conditions are held for them.
In 2003 benefactor G. Tsarukyan repaired, furnished the Abovyan former ambulance building and gave it to the senior citizens home, the area is 580 square miter superficial which is composed of 14 rooms.
The senior citizens home is supported by G. Tsarukyan benefactor, S. Meliqyan businessman, A. & S. Arustamyan brothers professors, and the international organizations United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR) with medicines and sanitary accessories.
The Senior Citizens Home needs the support of benefactors to solve the problems of heating and gaze, as well as needs the luck of equipments and computers.
The “Narek” Senior Citizens Home e-mail is , support account is Ardshinbank Abovyans branch Arm. 247100004453, $247100004453/009, Rus. 247100004453/0958.