Abovyan is the city of art people
Abovyan is the city of art people. The current generation, emigrated from the Near and Far Diaspora, transformed the former Elar countryside to a viable city, known also for its talented artists, one of them being Lyova Baghdasaryan (Khachen Artsakhetsi) from Artsakh by birth.
Once, the Great Minas said that the student Khachen Artsakhetsi is always in creative search, he rather expresses himself, than paints. Graduating from the Fine Arts College after P. Terlemezyan he began his creative life. At first he worked as a teacher in the FineArtsSchool in Abovyan, later he became the director of that school. Throughout his pedagogical practice he frequently exhibited his works not only in Abovyan, but also in Yerevan. Khachens easy, good-natured and spiritual works of art draw the attention of Armenian society. And the works of his students coming to state the rise of classical and modern Armenian art in Abovyan and Diaspora inspire Khachen Arsakhetsi himself. Having a successful exhibition in pop-art sphere in Berlin Artsakhetsi achieved a great popularity. Even the everyday of this artist is bright and brisk.
Sergey Grigoryan, Drastamat Hovsepyan, Hrayr Sarukhanyan, George Nazaryan are the artists of new generation representing various styles, each of them having his own viewpoint, his peculiar expressiveness.Here are their everlasting and perfectly highlighted canvases The Superb Sevan, Love Wave, Tulips, Khor Virap.
Rafik Keshishyan is from Tehran by origin, yet he lives and creates his works in Abovyan. Take a look at his creations and perceive the love, tenderness and cheerfulness there.
Link to the Abovyan’s Artists Gallery!
Abovyan.com portal wishes good luck and new achievements to the dearest artists!
translation by Lianna Galstyan
photo by Arthur Khachikyan