
Zatik:Armenian Easter


One of the five tent celebrations of Armenian apostolic church dedicates resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Resurrection of him is recalled to the nominated by Easter.

“Pasek” word, which Armenian interpreters of Holy bible have translated Easter, beginning from Hebrew “Bisah” word to signify  passage, ascent or separation.


A church celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as Easter, because he is  sacrificed or holly massed of the eternal life, space of which person is received a emission of sins, then life and resurrection. Apostle Pogos calls Easter: “AS Christ, our Easter, slay.


The fast before Easter lasts forty days, following the example of Jesus.
In  the preceding evening of Easter, the Easter Eve is ended.  Usually eggs are painted red as the symbol of fertile life, salvation and happiness.

Grigor Tatevazy sun eggs as the symbol of the glob: abroad bark is signify the sky, membrane the air, white a water, yolk the earth.And the red color signify that the whole world has been saved by the  blood of Christ.


In the early morning of Easter Day beginning the divine service, then a  holly mass.

Now an Armenian church celebrating Easter on first Sunday full moon  following the equinox of Spring.

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